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Lombardi, Itali

Want to connect with Hosts in your area to get tips, tricks, and advice? It’s easy—join the official Host club for your area on Facebook!

When deciding whether to become a Host on Airbnb in Italy, it is important for you to understand the laws in your region or city. As a platform and online marketplace we do not provide legal advice, but we want to provide resources that may help you better understand applicable laws and regulations. This list is not exhaustive, but it may give you a good start in understanding your local laws. 

There are four requirements for the Lombardy region that are applicable, whether you are a professional Host or an individual, to tourist rentals with contracts not exceeding 30 days—Quality standards and minimum facilities and furnishings, Notification of commencement of activity (CIA), Regional Identification Code (CIR), and Reporting tourist data. Visit the Italy national page for more resources to understand the national laws in your country.

Quality standards and minimum facilities furnishings

Before starting the procedure of notifying the commencement of activity, make sure that your property meets all the quality standards and has the minimum facilities and furnishings required.

You can find the list for the Lombardy region here. Once you have checked all the required standards, you can proceed with the notification of commencement of activity (CIA).

Notification of commencement of activity (CIA)

Submit a notification of commencement of activity (Comunicazione di Inizio Attività aka CIA) to the One-stop Business Advisory Centre (Sportello Unico Attività Produttive aka SUAP) in the municipality in which your property is located, you must log on to the following platform, and submit the information described in this form.

Regional Identification Code (CIR)

Once the CIA has been completed, you will receive a Regional Identification Code (Codice Identificativo Regionale aka CIR) from the province in which your property is located.,

The CIR will allow you to access the Ross 1000 system to report tourist flows. Make sure to include the CIR in your listing details. You can enter your CIR in your Airbnb ad using the Registration number field in the Regulations section.

    Reporting tourist data

    Lombardy keeps track of tourist data in its region for statistical purposes. You must report certain data on your guests in the previous month by the fifth day of the following month. For example, data on January’s guests must be reported by February 5th. This is a mandatory requirement. If you fail to report, you may incur a fine for each month you failed to report properly.

    You are required to submit this report monthly, even if you had no guests in the prior month.

    Tourist data is reported via the Ross 1000 platform. From this platform, you can register as a Host, submit reporting on individuals or groups staying in your listing, report on your listing availability, and receive reports about your listing. 

    Visit the Ross 1000 page for contact information. For more information, please see the following FAQs.

    Difference between tourist rentals and holiday homes and apartments (CAV)

    The above-mentioned requirements are also applicable to the use of holiday homes and apartments (Case e Appartamenti per Vacanze aka CAVs), used both in a business and non-business capacity. Bear in mind, however, that unlike tourist rentals, CAVs are defined as accommodation facilities and, for this category, the region has identified additional requirements: these include, for example, a notice in each room and building of the maximum prices applied, the need to enter into an insurance policy for civil liability towards clients, etc.

    City regulations

    Select a location below to read info that specifically applies to your city. If your city isn't listed, refer to the general tax info for cities in Italy.





    Desenzano del Garda




    More resources to help you host

    Airbnb isn’t responsible for the reliability or correctness of the information contained in any links to third party sites (including any links to legislation and regulations).

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