Sugjerimet do të shfaqen pasi të kesh shkruar të dhënat e kërkimit. Përdor shigjetat lart e poshtë për t'i shqyrtuar. Shtyp "enter" për të zgjedhur. Nëse përzgjedhja është një frazë, kjo frazë do të dërgohet për kërkim. Nëse sugjerimi është një link, shfletuesi do të shkojë në atë faqe.

Pritja me përgjegjësi e vizitorëve në Parma, Itali

Register With the Local Government

In order to rent your accommodation in Rimini you must submit a Notification of Commencement of Activity form to the city’s Single Unit for Productive Activities (SUAP).

How to file:

  • Go to
  • Select Parma from the Compila Practica drop-down menu, then click or tap the Aviva Compilazione (start compilation) button
  • Select SUAP - MODULISTICA ATTIVITA' PRODUTTIVE (Productive Activities Forms)
  • Select Agricoltura commercio demanio turismo e altre attività produttive (Agriculture, Trade, Tourism, and Other Productive Activities)
  • Select Strutture ricettive (Accommodation)
  • Select Locazione appartamento ad uso turistico. Non imprenditoriale – senza partita IVA (Rental of apartment for tourist use, non-business, without VAT number)
  • Select Avvio (Start)
  • Check the box next to Dichiaro di aver preso visione dell'informativa (I declare that I have read the information)
  • Click or tap the Salva e procedi button (Save and proceed)
  • Check the box next to Dichiaro di aver preso visione dell'informativa… (Activities relating to renting apartments for tourist use)
  • Click or tap the Salva e procedi button (Save and proceed)
  • Fill out the form with the required information

Tourist Tax

Agreement between Airbnb and the municipality of Parma

Further to an agreement between Airbnb and the municipality of Parma, Airbnb is collecting tourist tax for listings qualifying as short term rentals. In case of exemptions, Airbnb will refund guests who are entitled to it upon their request through the portal after their stay. 

Will my payout be affected? 

No, the Tourist Taxes will be paid for by the guest.

How can I see the amount of Tourist Tax collected on my behalf?

The Tourist Tax amount collected is displayed in your Earnings Dashboard. To download an earnings report, please see instructions here

Are there other taxes that I need to collect? 

You are responsible for understanding and fulfilling all your tax obligations. For a summary of the taxes collected by Airbnb for a listing, visit the your listings page and navigate to the Taxes section. If there are other applicable taxes that you need to collect from your guests, the process for collecting is outlined here

Do I have any other tax reporting obligations?

Yes, you may be responsible for other tax reporting obligations. Please contact your respective taxing authorities or your tax advisor for more information on what these obligations are.

Do I have any other obligations related to my listing?

You may be responsible for complying with local rules and regulations that apply to your listing. Please contact your respective local government agencies or legal advisor for more information on what these obligations are.

A të erdhi në ndihmë ky artikull?
Kërko ndihmë për rezervimet, llogarinë e më shumë.
Hyr ose regjistrohu