Sugjerimet do të shfaqen pasi të kesh shkruar të dhënat e kërkimit. Përdor shigjetat lart e poshtë për t'i shqyrtuar. Shtyp "enter" për të zgjedhur. Nëse përzgjedhja është një frazë, kjo frazë do të dërgohet për kërkim. Nëse sugjerimi është një link, shfletuesi do të shkojë në atë faqe.

Marke, Itali

Want to connect with Hosts in your area to get tips, tricks, and advice? It’s easy—join the official Host club for your area on Facebook!

When deciding whether to become a Host on Airbnb in Italy, it is important for you to understand the laws in your region or city. As a platform and online marketplace we do not provide legal advice, but we want to provide resources that may help you better understand applicable laws and regulations. This list is not exhaustive, but it may give you a good start in understanding your local laws. 

There are three requirements for the Marche region that are applicable, whether you are a professional Host or an individual, to tourist rentals of any duration—Notification of rental to the municipality, Regional Identification Code (CIR), and reporting tourist data. Visit the Italy national page for more resources to understand the national laws in your country.

Note: You can only rent a maximum of 4 apartments through the tourist rental.

Notification of rental to the municipality

In order to rent your accommodation through the tourist rental in the Marche region, you must send a specific notification to the SUAP (One-stop Business Advisory Center) of the municipality where your property is located.

You can send this communication to the municipality in the manner provided for by each individual municipality.

With this notification, you must declare to the municipality the period for which you are offering your accommodation for rent and that you meet a number of mandatory minimum requirements (ex: electricity and hot water, minimum equipment for accommodation and overnight stays).

Regional Identification Code (CIR)

Once you have sent the notification referred to in point 1 to the relevant municipality, it will automatically forward all the documents to the Regional Tourism Sector so that your accommodation can be registered on the Istrice-Ross1000 platform.

At this point, the staff of the region will send you the Regional Identification Code (CIR) by email or PEC.

Please note that you must use the CIR code in all online advertising and marketing tools of your accommodation. Otherwise you may incur an administrative fine of 250 to 500 euros.

Reporting tourist data

For statistical purposes, you will have to electronically communicate the presence of your guests to the Marche region through the Istrice - Ross1000 platform.

As anticipated, the access credentials will be sent to you by email from the Region's Tourism Sector once you have sent the notification to your municipality. Alternatively, you can access the portal via SPID.

You must use Istrice - Ross1000 platform to submit your guests' details - within five days of their arrival.

Please keep in mind that you can also use the data entered on the Istrice - Ross1000 platform in order to fulfill the obligations towards the territorially competent Questura (check the national page - Guests Registration - AlloggiatiWeb).

For more information, please consult the specific instructions provided by the region and the user manual.

Difference between tourist rentals and extra-hotel facilities

Keep in mind that a tourist rental is different from extra-hotel accommodation facilities (such as Case e appartamenti per vacanze aka CAVs, B&Bs etc.) for which the regional regulations provide for several and numerous other fulfillments (ex: SCIA, price reporting, etc.).

City regulations

Refer to the general tax info for cities in Italy.

More resources to help you host

Airbnb isn’t responsible for the reliability or correctness of the information contained in any links to third party sites (including any links to legislation and regulations).

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