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Rregullorja e komunitetit
Pritës përvoje

Si të organizosh përvoja gjatë Lojërave Olimpike dhe Paralimpike të Parisit 2024

The Paris region will welcome millions of visitors during the Olympic Games Paris 2024 (from July 26 to August 11) and the Paralympic Games Paris 2024 (from August 28 to September 8). Competitions will be hosted at iconic sites in the heart of the city and beyond.

As a consequence, Paris Police will impose security perimeters around event venues. These will make getting around Paris tougher than usual. Please review the information below to better plan your Experience.

Note: Please make sure to check official sources listed below to confirm that the information provided hasn’t recently changed.

Security perimeters

  • Several security perimeters will be created to regulate traffic around venues. Be aware that these perimeters may change every day.
  • Check out the official government transportation website to understand if your Experience will be impacted by a security perimeter at any particular time. Experiences that include moving around by motorized vehicle may be specially impacted.

Are you a Stay Host or Guest? Find out more about how security restrictions may impact your stay.

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